Get Involved - Yale Faculty, Staff, & Students
Information for Yale Faculty and Researchers
In partnership with the New Haven, West Haven and Orange public school districts, Yale has committed to making our community a national leader in STEM education, with the objective of increasing the number of students from greater New Haven who attend college and complete a degree in a STEM field. The place to focus its efforts has been in its own backyard, where Yale is a key stakeholder and where its strong relationships with its neighbors have created a unique opportunity to build a model for inspiring the next generation of scientists. Yale University Pathways to Science is a coordinated data-driven approach to helping these students achieve success in science.
Guided by a steering committee of Yale University senior scientists , the Yale Office of New Haven Affairs coordinates STEM outreach and community contact and helps Yale faculty and researchers respond effectively to the NSF broader impacts criterion and other outreach requirements of federal funding agencies. A longitudinal database has been established that offers Yale scientists and program directors a way to look at student outcomes from pre-college student participation in multiple STEM activities through college completion and to measure the impact of the programs on the students that they serve. Area school districts provide both academic and demographic data as well as college attendance data from the National Student Clearinghouse twice per year.
Pathways Students Demographics
There are currently over 2,000 Yale Pathways to Science Scholars, middle and high school students in our target group. Demographically, this group mirrors the school districts they come from; the majority are minority students and eligible for free or reduced price lunch.
- 56% Female
- 44% Male
- 12% Asian
- 25% Black
- 28% Hispanic
- 2% Other
- 33% White
- 49% Will Be First in Family to Complete College
How the Pathways to Science Staff can serve you
- Assist you with new project ideas for your proposal
- Connect you to existing programs where your outreach can provide important new content and opportunities for students
- Connect you to other Yale and community organizations
- Assist with the preparation of the outreach component of your proposal including developing a budget
- Provide student data for your project evaluation
- Provide the necessary letters of support
For Further Information
Maria E. Parente, Ph.D.
Associate Director of Public School Partnerships
Director, Yale Pathways
Yale Pathways to Science Steering Commitee
- Michael Crair, Committee Co-Chair, Vice Provost for Research
- Larry Gladney, Committee Co-Chair, Dean of Diversity, Yale Faculty of Arts & Sciences
- John Alvaro, Director of Postdoctoral Affairs
- Jeff Brock, Dean of Engineering & Applied Sciences, Professor of Mathematics
- Indy C. Burke, Dean of Forestry & Environmental Studies
- Sandy Chang, Associate Dean for Science and Quantitative Reasoning
- Jennifer Frederick, Associate Provost
- Tamar Gendler, Dean of the Faculty of Arts & Sciences
- Steven Girvin, Eugine Higgins Professor of Physics
- Mary Hu, Associate Dean for Communications, Yale School of Medicine
- Darin Latimore, Deputy Dean and Chief Diversity Officer YSM
- Claudia Merson, Director of Public School Partnerships
- Maria Parente, Associate Director of Public School Partnerships
- David Skelly, Director of the Peabody Museum
- Scott Strobel, Provost
- Paul Turner, Professor of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
- Vincent Wilczynski, Deputy Dean of the School of Engineering & Applied Sciences
- Kurt Zilm, Professor of Chemistry
- Alexandra Daum, Associate Vice President for New Haven Affairs and University Properties
Yale Undergraduate Students
There are numerous opportunities to get involved in science enrichment and outreach at Yale University. Volunteering is a great way to get to know the community in which you live and also to meet other Yale University students, staff and faculty. There are many different volunteer roles to fit individual time schedules, abilities and interests. Volunteers may work directly with students, educators and the public, or choose work behind the scenes. Please contact us with your particular areas of interest and we will gladly get back to you to discuss our programs. Thank you for your willingness to share your talents. Please contact us to learn about ways to volunteer.
Maria E. Parente
Yale Pathways to Science
Graduate STEM Outreach Groups
There are numerous opportunities to get involved in science enrichment and outreach at Yale University. Volunteering is a great way to get to know the community in which you live, to practice science communication, and to meet other Yale University students, staff and faculty. There are many different volunteer roles to fit individual time schedules, abilities and interests. Volunteers may work directly with students, educators and the public, or choose work behind the scenes. A number of graduate student STEM outreach groups put on events for local public school students. Please contact or with your particular areas of interest and we will gladly get back to you to discuss our programs.