Deadline: Friday, February 6, 2026 at 5:00 PM
Yale University and the City of New Haven enjoy a strong relationship with success evident in economic development, neighborhood homeownership, academic partnerships with public schools, and a vibrant downtown. Initiatives including the Yale Community for New Haven Fund, which distributed funds to New Haven nonprofits in response to the pandemic; Yale and New Haven’s announcement of the university’s significant voluntary payment increase, along with the creation of the Center for Inclusive Growth which will develop strategies to grow the city economically to benefit all New Haven residents; and the creation of the Pennington Fellowship to support New Haven student tuition at HBCUs are just a few examples of our collective commitment to support our communities.
The cooperative relationship between Yale University and its hometown has grown and continues to work because of the commitment and leadership of countless people on campus and throughout New Haven. Each year, we honor the exceptional efforts that sustain and enrich the “town and gown” relationship through the Yale University Seton Elm-Ivy Awards.
Nominations are sought to recognize individuals who have provided exemplary service to further strengthen the relationships among the New Haven and Yale University communities.
For reference, review citations for past awardees. Include as much information as possible in your nomination, as this will help determine the final list of award recipients. Please also refer to our list of past Seton Elm and Ivy Award recipients to ensure that your nominee has not previously received an award.
Call (203) 432-8412 for further information.