Make History Your Superpower: Demythologizing Race and Disability – from Ancient Rome to Modern New Haven

Event Time: 
Saturday, February 26, 2022 - 10:00am to 11:15am
Zoom Meeting link will be sent two days before the event See map
Event Description: 

Meet Yale historians, learn how the past was shaped, and learn how this affects the world you live in. Over three Saturdays, you will have a chance to explore a variety of history topics ranging from the potato, Brazilian dictators, Rome’s first African emperor, medicine and the slave trade, the uprising in Ukraine just seven years ago, and the American Revolution - brought to you by experts who can bring the past alive and teach you to use it to change your future.

Open to students in grades 8-12.

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February 25th Presentations | Demythologizing Race and Disability – from Ancient Rome to Modern New Haven: 

Rome’s African Emperor: Septimius Severus and the role of Africans in the Roman Empire
Ancient Rome was a global empire where ethnicities and races joined together to create a powerful state for over six centuries of world history. The empire was fortunate to be blessed by one of the many great Africans in world history, Septimius Severus, who went from being a great general and governor to ruling the world as emperor as emperor and conquering new territories for Rome. Come explore his life and achievement and see how it fits alongside other great Africans who played a part in Roman history.
Reckoning with History; Resolving Eugenics
In the early twentieth century the Eugenics movement landed on the shores of New York and quickly spread throughout the nation. First termed by Francis Galton in 1883, the word has a literal translation of “well-born”, and , Galton believed that through self-selection the world could rid itself of People with Disabilities and “lesser-races”. One of the most prominent eugenical societies was housed on Yale’s campus. This session will examine the journal created by the American Eugenics Society (AES), and through collaborative critical thinking exercises, explore its legacies of racism, ableism, nationalism, sexism and educational disparities.