Collective Pulse: Uncovering the Hidden Lives of Animals through Music Theory and Artificial Intelligence

Event Time: 
Wednesday, April 20, 2022 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm
Zoom instructions will be sent to those who register. See map
Event Description: 

The Franke Program in Science and the Humanities is  delighted to present a talk by Diego Ellis-Soto, a current Franke Fellow now in his second year with our program.

The movement of large groups of animals – such as flocks of birds or schooling of fish – often appears harmonic and soothing to the eye, almost as if animal collectives were dancing to some musical rules not visible to the human eye.  Yet at the same time, the sound of the natural world is increasingly shaped by the timber of the drums of human activities and habitat destruction across the world.  In this talk, Ellis-Soto combines new cutting edge technology, with biological principles and musical theory to take a dive into representing the lives of animal collectives through art and music.  From music on a farm, art exhibitions, up to involving of local youth, we invite you to take the plunge into the sounds of animals collectives and ecosystems.

Register in advance for this webinar: